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Raphael von Ostrejko

In a historical sources there are different names of Mr. Raphael von Ostrejko:

Rafal Ostrejko in Polish language
Raphael von Ostrejko in German language
Rapolas Ostreika in Lithuanian language


He added "von" into his name while he has living in Austria or German to prove his nobleman roots. In Lithuania "von" doesn't mean anything for nobleman status.


Mr. Ostrejko was born in Satkunai on the 4th of December, 1863, near Jonowo (now Jonava), Kaunas district in Lithuania. That time the territory belonged to the Empire of Russia. His parents Anton Ostrejko and Elena Ostrejko had a nationality of Poland. His father Antanas Ostrejka was a nobleman. Rapfael had 5 brothers: Kazimieras, Kajetonas, Jurgis, Juozapas and Antanas. He was single, he never had his own family.


Mr. Ostrejko studied chemistry in Latvia, Riga.


If you know something more from Raphael von Ostrejko life, we would be glad you could share it with us.

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